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20 tph SZL series coal fired water tube boiler project

20 tph SZL series coal fired water tube boiler project

20 tph SZL series coal fired water tube boiler project

20 tph SZL series coal fired water tube boiler project

Project boiler medium:Steam




Application Area:textile industry

Send E-mail:zhulin@zozen.com

Project background

Steam boilers are used to provide sufficient steam in drying, knurling, sizing and other production process of textile industry. Kay & Emms (Pvt.) Ltd., headquartered in Pakistan, is one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of quality garments and fabrics. With the development of the company, the total amount of steam produced by their boilers in service can not meet the production requirements. Therefore, Kay & Emms (Pvt.) Ltd. made a decision to book several efficient steam boilers.

ZOZEN has had rich experience in Pakistani textile industry and already gained the favor of many well-known enterprises. Kay & Emms (Pvt.) Ltd., also chose to partner with ZOZEN without any hesitation. In consideration of the urgent demand for their production, sales manager from ZOZEN recommended 20tph SZL series water tube steam boilers to the company. The series of steam boilers are not only designed to be shop-assembled type, which features compact design, convenient field installation and short production period, but also equipped with advanced control system for easy operation. Meanwhile, the performance and emissions have also achieved the international standard.

Customer feedback

We would highly recommend booking boilers from ZOZEN. ZOZEN not only provides high quality steam boilers, but also helps train our staff, ensuring them to work safely and efficiently.

-- KAY & EMMS (Pvt.) Ltd.

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